Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Preparing for a Natural Disaster – How a Cash Advance Can Help

Preparing for a Natural Disaster – How a Cash Advance Can Help

Any time a terrible natural disaster hits part of the country, it triggers some serious thoughts about preparedness. Are you ready if a tornado, hurricane, or devastating flooding were to hit your home? Being ready is so important because you can’t rely on anyone else. While agencies like the Red Cross and others get out right away to assist those in trouble, they cannot be everywhere at once, and you may need to survive for a few days before help arrives. Here’s how you can get ready and how a cash advance can help you be prepared for the worst.

Use a Cash Advance to Be Sure You Have Food and Water on Hand at all Time

One of the most important things you can do to be ready for a natural disaster is to have the supplies you and your family would need to survive without help from anyone else for a few days. Most importantly, you need to have enough food and water for everyone in the household, including any pets. Each person needs one gallon of water per day for about three days. You also need to have enough food that is non-perishable. Canned foods are best, but be sure you also have a can opener stowed with your supplies so you can use it. Also include utensils and dishes. If you’re low on cash, use a cash advance to stock your emergency kit.

Stock Your First Aid Kit Using a Cash Advance

It’s also important to have first aid supplies in your emergency and natural disaster kit. These will help you take care of minor injuries and illnesses if you can’t access medical help. Use a cash advance if you need to, but be sure to have these basic supplies on hand, including bandages, antibiotic ointment, over the counter medications, rubbing alcohol, and anything that members of your family rely on ordinarily. This includes prescriptions, inhalers, and supplies needed to administer medications, like needles and syringes.

Being Ready with a Cash Advance

Getting a cash advance now means you can be ready in the event of a natural disaster, even if it happens this week. The truth about disasters is that you cannot predict them. It could happen at any time and if you are not prepared, your family could be in danger. In addition to using a cash advance to stock your emergency preparedness kit, be sure to make plans for what everyone will do if a disaster strikes. Have a family meeting to discuss where you will meet, how you will evacuate the house if necessary, how you will communicate, and who you can each call for help if the rest of the family is unreachable.

A cash advance is an easy and important way to get the money you need to ensure you are prepared now. There is no time to wait when your family’s safety is on the line and you don’t yet have the supplies you need to ensure you can make it safely through a natural disaster.