Monday, October 19, 2015 Reviews Reveal Satisfied Repeat Customers Reviews Reveal Satisfied Repeat Customers Reviews
Happy customers rave about
Clicking through customer reviews written about, one thing in particular stands out – they are overwhelmingly positive. Conventional wisdom says that people are more likely to make the effort to go online and leave a review when they are dissatisfied with the service they received, but in this case the opposite seems to hold true. Citing the speed, convenience, and affordability, reviewers seem to be motivated purely by the desire to help others find a safe and reliable source of extra cash they can count on when they need it.

Carl P. from Harrisburg wrote a review in which he was especially enthusiastic about the fact that he was easily approved despite having had significant credit problems. “I tried my credit union, a couple of banks and credit cards, and got turned down over and over. A friend suggested I check out some online payday loans, so I got on my computer and did a search. There’s a lot of information out there, but as soon as I found the reviews I was sold. Nobody had anything negative to say. The best part was that so many people reported that they had bad credit and got approved anyway. I figured if it worked for them, and they were happy enough with the loan to have written a good review for the company, it might be exactly what I was looking for.” reviews also led Jayne S. to filling out the super-fast application one night when she was having a financial emergency. “It was the worst day. My car broke down, literally leaving me by the side of the road at 10 o’clock at night. I called a tow truck, and spent the last of my cash paying them. Even if the repair was a simple one, I had no money left until payday, which was ten days away anyway. I got a coworker to take my shift the next day, but I’d need my car back pretty quick. So I went online looking for ideas of how to raise the cash, without even knowing exactly how much I needed. I knew a loan from my bank would take at least a week, and I got burned by a pawn shop once and didn’t want to leave any of my jewelry or anything there.” Fortunately, Jayne searched for “short term loans” and found just what she was looking for.

“It was amazing. I filled out the application in maybe ten minutes? It was so fast! I didn’t even have to look up any information – it was all basic stuff that I already knew, like about my job, my income, my bank account, driver’s license number. I didn’t have to send in past years’ tax returns or anything, just fill out the application, hit submit, and it went right to the approval process, even though it was the middle of the night! It took about two minutes to get a response, right there on my screen, telling me I was approved. I got to check the payment terms, the interest, repayment dates, all that, and it all looked really good. I got to sign right online – nothing to print out or fax anywhere – and they got the money direct-deposited to my bank the very next day. I was able to pay for my car on time, didn’t get in trouble at work, it was so great! I just had to write my own review and make sure that anyone else in my situation knows this is the best short term loan they’re going to find anywhere!”

#123LoanAdvanceReviews #etaxloan